Recently I returned from caregiving and visitng my 94 year old mother in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. When I first arrived, she was in the hospital, and we thought she might be going home to the Lord. Seeing her blue eyes dance as they do, I could tell even from the hospital window she was not ready to leave us just yet.
After a few days she was released back to her home and had three of us sisters hovering around her every need. We were soon joined by our fourth sister. Our brother David and his wife Jane regularly bring Mom Holy Communinon each week end.
On a recent Monday evening, my guest on Radio Maria was Sarah Christmeyer. An author and mother herself, she reminded me that it was part of a woman's gift to nurture life from birth into the world, and also a life to death to this world, and eternal life with God the Father.
As we lovingly cared for our Mother, the small things we could do for her recall what she did for all 8 of us... helping with clothes, meals, medicine. I pondered how we were all "helping" mom prepare to leave this world and nurture her into her eternal reward in heaven.
She recently published her first book, " Along My Life's Journey" Memories of a Matriarch.
What a blessing to sit at her side and be present to this beautiful mother, so rich in wisdom and love. Thank you God for the gift of nurturing You have so wisely given to women.